
How To Remove White Haze From Pavers

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Efflorescence is a white, powdery substance that appears on masonry, such as pavers, due to salt deposits that are nowadays in the original brick. When the pavers get wet, these salt deposits gather on the surface, resulting in a ho-hum appearance. Luckily, efflorescence can usually be removed from pavers by dry brushing, although you lot may need to utilize a cleaner if the stains are really stubborn.[1]

  1. 1

    Opt for dry out brushing if you lot're dealing with early efflorescence. If you're just noticing the salt deposits building upwards on your pavers, yous may be able to but brush it away using a large button-broom or other stiff-handled castor. This method keeps the salts from beingness washed back into the pavers, so it should be the first matter yous try.[2]

    • If you leave the efflorescence in identify, it will crystallize, making it harder to remove.
  2. 2

    Sweep the pavers from 1 end to the other. Focus particularly on areas where the white deposits appear, only be sure to brush the entire surface of the pavers, since some of the deposits may not be built upwards plenty to encounter. If you successfully remove all of the salt, yous volition reduce the chances that the efflorescence will render.[iii]

    • It may accept a little elbow grease to remove all of the visible white powder.


  3. 3

    Rinse the surface area with water if brushing doesn't remove the minerals. If you're having trouble removing the efflorescence with just a brush, rinsing the pavers off with a hose could assistance loosen the salt. However, water shouldn't be your first option, because you could rinse some of the salts back into the brick, which could result in the efflorescence returning.[4]

    • The h2o may affluent out some of the original salts from the concrete, so you may take to repeat this process.
    • If you need to, yous can besides cascade water from a bucket onto the pavers.
  4. 4

    Proceed treating the efflorescence as it appears. Efflorescence will not terminate forming until all of the minerals in the physical have been expelled. This means you may have to remove the efflorescence several times before it stops appearing.[five]


  1. 1

    Sweep the area to remove loose efflorescence. Even if you lot are dealing with stubborn, crystallized efflorescence, you should dry out brush the area earlier you apply whatsoever chemicals. This will assist ensure that you don't wash any of the salts back into the pores in your pavers.[6]

  2. two

    Rinse the pavers with vi% vinegar if dry brushing alone doesn't work. Vinegar is extremely effective against efflorescence, and you don't have to worry about rinsing unsafe acids into the soil around your pavers. Cascade vinegar that is 6% acid over the pavers, scrub them with a castor, then rinse it away with a water hose.[7]

    • Vinegar may not remove large buildups of efflorescence.
    • Nearly common vinegar is 6% acerbity.
  3. three

    Try muriatic acid if vinegar doesn't work. If goose egg else works to remove efflorescence from your pavers, mix together i part acid and 5 parts h2o, and so scrub the acrid into the pavers with a strong castor. Be sure to rinse information technology off completely with a hose or water from a bucket, since muriatic acid is a dangerous chemical.[8]

    • Article of clothing rubber gloves and goggles to protect yourself while you lot're working with hydrochloric acid.
    • When you're diluting hydrochloric acid, cascade the acid into the water, not the water into the acid. This will help prevent the acid from splashing up and called-for y'all.
    • You can purchase muriatic acid at a home comeback store.
  4. 4

    Use a minimal amount of cleaner and water. Leaving the cleaner on your pavers tin cause erosion, especially if you're working with muriatic acid, and so you'll demand to rinse it away. However, using large amounts of water can wash the salts dorsum into the pavers, so information technology's best to utilize as little of the cleaner as possible.[9]

    • Past minimizing the cleaner you employ, you will also reduce the corporeality of water needed to rinse information technology off of the pavers.


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Things You'll Need

  • Stiff bristled brush
  • Water
  • Vinegar
  • Muriatic acid (if vinegar doesn't piece of work)
  • Safety goggles and condom gloves (if using muriatic acid)
  • Stiff-bristled castor
  • Water (for rinsing cleaner)

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  • Wear proper protective gear and utilize farthermost caution when working with muriatic acid.


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Article Summary Ten

If you need to remove efflorescence that has but appeared on your pavers, sweep beyond the surface of the pavers with a stiff-bristled broom or other brush. Exist sure to brush the entire surface area to remove the buildup of the salts from your pavers. If that doesn't work, rinse the area with fresh h2o. However, this tin launder the common salt back into the pavers, and so you lot may demand to do this more than once. To acquire how to remove crystallized efflorescence, proceed reading.

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