
How To Remove Seresto Collar

serestoI got a call yesterday from ane of our favorite veterinarians in the area with some questions regarding our Seresto neckband policies.  I thought information technology might be a good idea to write some other quick post to clear upward some confusion surrounding our policy here at K9 Kaos.

K9 Kaos is a neckband costless facility.  What that means is that while your dog is here in our care, they practise not article of clothing any collars at all.  This is simply for their safety.  Because we are a collar free place, we  remove each and every Seresto neckband that comes through the door.  Our policy is that we ask you to remove your dog's Seresto collar before coming in.  When your dog returns dwelling house, you tin then put that collar back on.  Since Seresto is a long acting product, having it off for a few hours per solar day should not change the effectiveness of the product, in my stance.  We encourage owners to apply products such at Seresto, nosotros just ask that they exist removed before coming into our facility.  Hither's why:

  • Start and foremost we were losing them.  These collars are non marked in any way.  Nosotros had mistakenly sent collars dwelling house with the wrong canis familiaris or had misplaced them.  On some days we manage 175+ collars a day throughout all of our services, and then you can understand the volume.  These collars are expensive and nosotros naturally had to supervene upon them.  Nosotros were replacing these $50 collars one time or twice a week.  This was becoming a large expense for K9 Kaos.
  • Since there were so many of these collars coming through the door, my staff were handling dozens and dozens of these collars multiple times a day.  They were uncomfortable with this kind of exposure and I agree.  As a single domestic dog owner you handle i collar.  I thought information technology best to not over expose the staff to the large number of collars that were coming in.
  • Daycare dogs play with there mouths all day long. We are a neckband free daycare for this reason.  Dogs do not have their collars on during daycare play.  Seresto collars would go damaged, wet, chewed, mouthed, bent…. you proper noun it.  We would be handing these collars back to owners in pieces every single twenty-four hours.  Non a good program for us or for you lot, the person that purchased that very expensive collar.
  • Boarding dogs also stay without collars.  I volition exist honest, this is my own worry.  I have been a canis familiaris possessor for 20+ years and K9 Kaos has been open for almost 12.  I have seen the CRAZIEST things happen with dogs.  Seriously.  Our kennels are safe and free from anything that could possibly injure a dog.  But I however worry.  Then just to exist on the safe side, we remove everything.  I would never want for a dog to get his neckband stuck on annihilation and become hurt.  Plus if you accept more than i dog and you similar them boarded together, and then all bets are off.  All of the daycare reasons higher up apply.
  • Preparation dogs naturally don't wear their collars equally they are bathed and groomed.

So with all of that beingness said.  Your dog tin near certainly be protected from fleas & ticks by using the Seresto collar all of the time, except while they are in our intendance.  All we inquire is that you accept it off in your car in the morning and put it back on when you lot option them up at night or at the end of their stay.

I was told yesterday that customers might retrieve that nosotros don't allow the use of these collars at all, even at your home.  That is the misunderstanding.  We sell the Seresto brand collars at K9 Kaos and we appreciate their effectiveness very much. Information technology is definitely an option for all dogs to use all of the time outside of K9 Kaos.

Nosotros all thank you very much for your understanding with our reasoning and decision not to handle them hither.  If yous have whatsoever questions at all, delight feel costless to email me straight at anne (at) k9kaos (dot) com.

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